Thursday, December 29, 2022

Orphaned Sculpture

While taking a walk in the wetlands on an overcast, rainy day, I found what appeared to be a giant wood-carved mushroom lying on its side at the edge of the water. My first impression was that a beaver had inadvertently ingested some part of a psilocybin mushroom and was recreating its vision. But that seemed unlikely. 

I dragged it to the bench for a better look. Definitely not a naturally evolving piece of driftwood either. At least temporarily, with my intervention, the orphaned sculpture is now a table companion to the bench.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Nobody Dies Anymore

Tiny Rant

Nobody dies anymore. They do, of course, more gently and euphemistically just pass away. Even pets don't die. The harsh reality cannot be born, so pets too just pass away. 

The transformation in language is not quite complete however. We will know that moment has come when from the pulpits we hear that Jesus passed away on the cross.